Does Offshore Outsourcing Criticism Matter?
InformationWeek reports the public perceptions of outsourcing will have no impact on decisions to outsource jobs for many companies. Or at least their ability to speak publicly about it. This is based on a survey conducted by Patni Computer Systems of 100 clients.
"The survey Patni conducted of 100 clients reveals that more than half felt that public perceptions of outsourcing will have no impact of their decisions to outsource jobs. Three of 10 admit that the only impact was their ability—or inability, as I see it—to speak publicly about their outsourcing initiatives. Sixteen percent say the debate made them reconsider their outsourcing strategy, but none contend it forced them to postpone outsourcing projects. In fact, nearly six of 10 expect to up their outsourcing budgets by 20% or more in the next 18 months."
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